Increasing the living space of your home brings all kinds of benefits and solves all kinds of problems. Typical issues our projects address are bringing the best quality natural light into your living spaces, streamlining the flow through different spaces and increasing or maximizing storage space. These projects add outstanding value as well as comfort to your every day living. At HTR Construction we make it our business to ask why, hear the answer and ensure the needs get met.
HTR has built a variety of additions to solve a myriad of problems. The spaces people need and the reasons why they need them are their own. When your project is complete, you will have more than the space you imagined, your lifestyle will change as well.
Needs change as families change. Older homes were not designed with today’s needs in mind. A place for a family to relax together that is open to the rest of the house, comfortable and warm is a welcome addition to any home.
Kitchens are more than a workplace. An eating area with natural light and comfortable seating is functional for far more than breakfast or lunch. Homework, projects and other household activities make an eat-in area functional in so many ways.
Adding a master suite adds comfort and value to any home. An updated bathroom adjacent to the bedroom that meets the needs of your individual lifestyle makes a difference every day. Getting started in the morning, or going to bed at night-a new bedroom suite is a welcome place to start and finish your day.
Convenience and access are critical components to these transition spaces. Having this part of the house function properly make storage, staying organized and keeping clutter in its place manageable if not downright easy.
"Although the price was a bit higher, we chose HTR because we trusted in Tom and knew what the quality of work would be. "
~ Dick & Elizabeth, Lexington, MA
Contact HTR Construction to make that dream a reality.